The time period for a mutual divorce case may vary depending on several factors. These factors include the availability of both husband and wife on court working days, their willingness to promptly complete all necessary tasks, and the workload of the particular court.

In general, if both husband and wife efficiently fulfill all formalities and the court processes the waiver of the six-month waiting period immediately after the first motion, completing the entire process can take as little as 1-2 months.

However, if the parties do not file the waiver application for the six-month waiting period, or if they file it but the court does not approve it, then the mutual divorce process can take approximately 6-7 months to finalize.

Furthermore, in the event that either party wishes to wait for more than six months before finalizing the dissolution of their marriage after the first motion hearing, they have the option to postpone the second motion hearing for a maximum period of 18 months from the date of the first hearing.

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